Client Success Stories
Discover how our legal proficiency at Texas Horizons Law Group has positively transformed the lives and businesses of our clients. Read their success stories here.
Emergency Foreclosure Prevention and Note Purchase
Our client sought emergency assistance to prevent a foreclosure on family lands. Within two days, we successfully negotiated a forbearance agreement with the Lender, secured a reduced payoff amount with the bank, and completed a note purchase. This allowed our client to step in as the bank and prevent foreclosure.
Collateral Due Diligence and Correction for Secured $2.5M Loan
Assisted Lender in $2,500,000 loan secured by collateral transfer of note and lien. During due diligence, we discovered issues within the collateral Note and Deed of Trust which would have invalidated Lender’s security interest. We were able to assist the lender’s borrower in correcting the collateral deficiencies, enabling the loan to proceed while further protecting the Lender’s interests.
Lost Will Proceeding
The deceased’s original will could not be located. Neither could a copy of the signed will. We filed an application for probate of a lost will and were able to prove the will had been executed and its contents. This allowed the executor to carry out the deceased’s wishes and avoided the estate passing under the intestacy laws of the state of Texas.
Family Settlement Agreement
Represented the surviving spouse of a Decedent in drafting and negotiating a family settlement agreement with other heirs who were named in Decedent’s will. The Will was poorly drafted and resulted in unintended consequences of leaving the surviving spouse with inadequate assets. Our firm was able to assist her in negotiating a family settlement agreement that worked around the will and resulted in her salvaging what could have been an extremely problematic and contentious probate.
Resolution of Complex Intestate Estates
Represented Independent Administrator of an intestate estate that had been in the probate process for 10 years. Probate was complex in that two spouses died in a motorcycle accident simultaneously leaving a minor child and neither had wills. Administrators were appointed for both estates, but the two sides of the family became contentious and the probate dragged out for nearly a decade. We were able to assist the Independent Administrator in winding up the estate in cooperation with opposing counsel and help bring the estate to a peaceable end, despite high tensions.
Estate Planning With Closely Held Business
Drafted a Will allowing one beneficiary the option to purchase the other beneficiary’s interest in a single member limited liability company upon client’s death. The beneficiary with option to purchase participated in the daily operations of the family business.
Estate Planning With Large Land Holdings
Drafted Will for client granting specific parcels of large farm and ranch tracts to various individuals with detailed succession of interest in the event heir(s) predeceased client. Created easements across the various parcels for legal access from public roads to each tract.
Rush Estate Plan
Accommodated estate planning clients who were traveling out of the country by quickly drafting a comprehensive estate plan to provide clients security while away. Met with clients, drafted estate planning documents, and executed the documents within a weeks time period to accommodate their schedule.
Family Limited Partnership
Assisted estate planning client in creation of family limited partnership. Result was the client’s oil, gas and mineral holdings will pass to the client’s children in a tax-advantageous manner.
Blended Family
Drafted estate planning documents for blended family with both spouses having children from prior marriages. Presented clients with various options to accomplish their goals.
Eliminated Estate Tax
Developed comprehensive estate plan for client with taxable estate. Using a family limited partnership and gifting program, client’s estate passed to family free of inheritance tax.
Will for Dying Client
Drafted last will and testament for dying client so client would not die intestate. As a result, client’s estate passed in an orderly and efficient manner under Texas’s independent probate system.
Special Needs Trust
Drafted special needs trust for client’s child resulting in child remaining in home and leading a semi-independent life after death of parents.
Forming LLCs and other Entities
We have formed many, many, many entities for our for profit and non-profit clients. While a limited liability company (LLC) is often the business structure of choice, we have extensive experience in forming limited partnerships, corporations, professional entities, and joint ventures.
Drafting and Reviewing Contracts
We draft and review many types of contracts for our clients, including purchase and sale contracts, independent contractor agreement, licensing agreements, construction contracts and subcontracts, among many others. Just like you we are running a business and we like to cut through the clutter and focus on what matters when negotiating and drafting contracts.
Sale and Purchase of Businesses
We have represented sellers and buyers of all types of businesses, including an insurance agency, vehicle repair and service shop, body shop, feed store, self-storage facility, physical therapy practice, and many others. While we work hard to protect our client’s interests we do so by being mindful of business considerations and not over-lawyering a deal.
Craft Brewery Reorganization and addition of Private Investors
Assisted a craft brewery with the complete corporate reorganization of their operations in order to maximize their operational efficiency. Assisted the client with a round of private investor. Drafted private placement memorandum, investor documents, and governing documents.
Restructuring and Recapitalization of Company
We represented our client in its reorganization and recapitalization. We worked with various investors and client’s lender to negotiate and document the transaction. We drafted closing documents and amended governing documents.
Our Due Diligence Avoided Expensive Scam
We were hired to review a potential loan to our client’s business. The loan proposal purported to be from a broker acting for Arab investors and lenders. We investigated the “loan” proposal and determined the proposal was a scam. As a result of our investigation our client avoided a potentially expensive scam.
Sale of Assets to Public Company for $80,000,000
Represented our client in the sale of various assets to a publicly traded corporation. The complex transaction involved the buyer purchasing the assets for a combination of cash, stock, and assumption of debt. Numerous issues that could have derailed the sale were dealt with resolved during the course of our representation. We worked with the seller’s counsel and seller’s lender’s counsel to resolve issues resulting in a successful sale.
Purchase of Assets for $42,000,000
Represented our client in the purchase of various assets for its business. The sellers were represented by the number one and number six AmLaw 100 firms. We negotiated the terms of the purchase and sale agreement. We assisted our client with its due diligence. We negotiated with our client’s lender and its counsel regarding the financing for the purchase. We worked with the seller’s counsel to resolve issues resulting in a successful purchase.
$25,000,000 Line of Credit
Represented borrower in $25,000,000 revolving line of credit loan transaction with large national bank. We engaged in extensive negotiations and drafting of loan documents to obtain the favorable terms for our client.
$12,000,000 Line of Credit.
Represented Lender in $12,000,000 revolving line of credit (“RLOC”) transaction with residential home builder. The loan agreement included extensive terms and conditions for making advances under the RLOC for the purchase of lots and construction of homes.
$15,000,000 Guidance Line
Represented lender in $15,000,000 guidance line of credit (“GLOC”) transaction with a residential home builder. The loan agreement included extensive terms and conditions for making loans under the GLOC for the purchase of lots and construction of homes.
$25,000,000 Development Loan
Represented lender in $25,000,000 line of credit development loan to a ranchette developer. Worked with the title company and borrower’s counsel to identify and resolve title issues.
Loan Transactions
We represent community banks in all types of loan transactions, including commercial purchases, commercial cash-out, commercial construction, spec-house, residential and commercial development, agricultural, asset based, revolving lines of credit, guidance lines of credit, collateral transfers of notes and liens, SBA 7(a), SBA 504, residential purchases, owner-interim construction, home improvement, home equity, assumption, modifications, and work-out transactions.
1031 Tax Free Exchanges
Represented client in the sale and subsequent acquisition of replacement property in $4,100,000.00 transaction. Coordinated with 1031 Exchange Intermediary for timely completion of exchange avoiding capital gains taxes for client.
Legacy Restrictions on Future Conveyances
Represented landowner in conveyance to family members of ranch land owned by client and client’s family for multiple generations. Drafted deed to children with restrictions on future conveyances. Family members have first option to purchase or acquire the land for specified number of years.
Resort and Vacation Condominiums
Represented developer of complex resort and vacation detached site condominium projects including commercial buildings and amenities. Drafted condominium declaration and formed property owners’ associations for the projects.
Farm and Ranch Sale
Represented seller of large farm and ranch tract for $3,500,000.00 including negotiating carve out parcel for water development.
Loan to Apartment Complex
Represented private lender in loan for development of an apartment complex. Negotiated and drafted the loan documents, which included an equity kicker.
Represented Contractor in Commercial Project
Represented contractor in review, negotiation, and drafting of construction subcontract in commercial project.
Sale of Land for Cash and Equity
Represented seller of land who received cash and equity in buyer’s development. Negotiated the terms and drafted of the purchase and sale agreement. Negotiated terms and drafted limited partnership agreement. Addressed title issues and facilitated the closing of the transaction.
Apartment Complex
Represented developer of apartment complex. Drafted limited partnership agreement and negotiated terms with private investors. Negotiated debt financing with lender.
Strip Center Development
Represented developer of strip center. Handled negotiation of purchase and sale agreement, survey and title review, other due diligence. Drafted lease agreements with tenants.
Ground Lease to Grocery Store
Represented shopping center landlord in lease transaction with large grocery store chain. Negotiated and drafted ground lease. Handled and resolved title issues.
Sale of Apartment Complex
Represented seller of apartment complex for $13,400,000. Negotiated and drafted purchase and sale agreement and closing documents. Drafted closing documents.
Commercial Condominium
Represented developer of single-building commercial condominium. Drafted condominium declaration and ancillary documents.
Multi-Tenant Entertainment Complex
Represented landlord in a multi-tenant entertainment project. Negotiated and drafted leases with tenants.
Represented Subcontractor
Represented subcontractor in review, negotiation, and drafting of subcontract in large industrial project.
Sale to National Homebuilder
Represented seller in $9,241,905 sale of land to a national home builder. Negotiated and drafted purchase and sale agreement and closing documents. Resolved title issues to enable the transaction to go forward.
Sale of Coastal Property
Represented seller in the $16,500,000 sale of coastal property. Negotiated and drafted purchase and sale agreement and closing documents. Drafted seller financing documents.
Purchase of Strip Center
Represented purchaser in the $11,000,000 purchase of strip center. Negotiated and drafted purchase and sale agreement and form of closing documents. Reviewed survey and title, reviewed existing leases, and performed other due diligence.
Sale of Mini-Storage
Represented seller in the $6,345,000 sale of multiple mini-storage locations. Negotiated and drafted purchase and sale agreement and closing documents. Resolved title issues and addressed purchaser’s due diligence concerns to enable the transaction to close.
Special Texas counsel in $353,000,000 transaction
Represented our client as special Texas borrower’s counsel in a $250,000,000 first lien loan transaction and a $103,000 second lien loan transaction. We worked with some of the country’s most prestigious law firms representing our client and our client’s lenders to resolve loan and collateral issues. We negotiated and drafted opinion letters that were a condition to making the loans.

Have Questions?
Ready to discuss your case? Contact us today for seasoned legal support in farm real estate, mortgage, commercial lease, estate planning, probate administration, business, oil & gas matters, and more.